Administrative Core

Co-Program Directors: Henry Blumberg, MD and Joel Ernst, MD
Scientific Advisor: Rafi Ahmed, PhD
The Administrative Core is responsible for managing, coordinating, and supervising all TBRU-ASTRa activities. The Administrative Core provides leadership to support scientific investigation into the immunology of LTBI and facilitate communication among investigators, research projects and cores to ensure there is translation and back translation between human subjects studies and animal studies that utilize a non-human primate TB model. The Administrative Core also provides fiscal management and regulatory requirement oversight and evaluation activities that includes monitoring progress and assessing the degree to which TBRU goals are being met. The Administrative Core will also facilitate involvement in collaborative research opportunities across the NIH TBRU network, leveraging our unique resources including clinical sites, a NHP model for TB, and investigators with expertise in TB immunology. The Administrative Core also includes the Data Management Center (DMC).